ACS Courier - My Favourite ACS Locker

My Favourite ACS Locker

New Service: «My favourite ACS Locker»

Basic Conditions of the new service:

  1. The customer-recipient must have a Greek mobile number for the use of the service and other shipments related to him.
  2. The dimensions of the customer-recipient’s shipments allow their placement in the ACS Lockers.
  3. There must be an empty locker available in the ACS Locker of the customer-recipient service user’s choice.

Service Description

The service, through the digital assistant ACiStant on the ACS Website & ACS Mobile App, provides the ability to the customer recipient of ACS to select the ACS Locker that best serves him to receive the shipments from ACS. The service is available to ACS customers at no additional cost for their best service experience from the company, as the collection from the ACS Lockers takes place at the customer’s desired time 24/7 and in less than 15’’. The service is not mandatory, and the customer may choose to cancel or change his preferences up to that moment.

The customer recipient of the ACS services may select up to 3 addresses where he usually receives his shipments, i.e. home, office, cottage and any other place that serves him. For each address he usually prefers to receive his shipments, if he wishes so, he may select the ACS Locker or store which serves him best. When ACS receives the next shipment (after the date the customer selected his preferred ACS Locker through the ACS digital assistant) it will forward it directly to the customer’s point of choice.

Analytical steps:

  1. The customer visits ACS' digital assistant, ACiStant, either through the ACS Website or the ACS Mobile App.
  2. Selects from the menu the “My favourite ACS Locker” service.
  3. Accepts terms and conditions to continue.
  4. Registers the mobile number used for the ACS shipments.
  5. The correct mobile number is verified through OTP.
  6. The customer registers the address usually used to receive the ACS shipments. Full address, including street, number, region and postal code i.e. 36 Petrou Ralli Str. Egaleo, 12241, is required. The postal code must not have space in between.
  7. All available ACS stores and Lockers near the address the customer registered are displayed so the customer may choose the one that serves him best. Each point is shown with a photo and all available services there such as Visa or Mastercard payment. Based on this information, the customer chooses the one which serves his needs best.
  8. After selecting, the customer is once again informed of the details of the ACS Locker or store he chose and then clicks “Confirm” to register his choice. Until the customer “Confirms”, no selection is registered in the company’s systems.
  9. If the customer desires, he may continue to select the preferred ACS Locker or store in the same way 2 more times, i.e. for 2 more different addresses. Therefore, he can make 3 choices in total for 3 different locations where he usually receives his ACS shipments i.e. home, office, cottage.

At any stage of the process and any other given moment, the customer may change or delete any choice and ACS, for the shipment delivery, must follow the delivery instructions for each shipment as received from the customer.

Additional service clarifications:

  1. The service works only through the ACiStant digital assistant available (for free) on the ACS Website & ACS Mobile App.
  2. The service works only for Greek mobile numbers and addresses within Greece.
  3. The service works only if the customer-recipient’s same phone number used for shipments managed by ACS is registered.
  4. The service works properly as long as the user-client enters the addresses with 4 correct elements: street, number, area and postal code without space in between.
  5. The service will only be activated for the customer recipient’s shipments that meet the weight and dimensions limits of the ACS Lockers, as displayed in the information in each Locker before the user selects it. For shipments whose dimensions are larger than those that can be placed in the ACS Locker, this service will not be activated, since they do not fit in the locker.
  6. If the recipient's selected ACS Locker does not have any empty slots at the time ACS handles the customer's shipment, ACS will place the shipment in another ACS Locker located within a maximum distance of 200 meters from the recipient's address listed on the shipment.


Other clarifications:

  1. This service adds the specific ACS Locker to which the shipment must be placed and the justification and information procedures regarding ACS Locker shipments are followed, provided that all the above conditions are met and activated in the customer-recipient's shipments. Cash on delivery is supported at ACS stores and ACS Lockers that have a POS or other payment method, and this information appears (if available) under the details of each ACS Locker in the available services. In case the user has selected a favourite ACS Locker that does not have the payment service, and his shipment has a Cash on Delivery value, the shipment will be forwarded for delivery to his address as indicated on the shipment. Alternatively, it can be placed in another ACS Locker that has a payment method and is located at a maximum distance of 200 meters from the recipient's address as indicated on his shipment.